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an InvestmentWires' Publication |
Thursday, November 8, 2007 Hartford in the Hunt for New Mutual Fund Team Members The Hartford is looking to expand its mutual fund team, following the recent hire of Keith Sloane to head up its mutual fund and 529 businesses. "We have seen growth across the board and continue to look for new resources to expand across all area of our mutual fund business," Rob Arena, senior vice president for the Retail Products Group at The Hartford, in an interview with The MFWire. "People are important; the key is finding the right person," he added. A marketing push is also underway at the Hartford. The goal is to increase brand awareness among advisors and as a way to get on more wirehouse platforms, Arena said. The Hartford also has a team of dedicated specialists that is separate from the wholesaling team that work with wirehouse gatekeepers. Arena said that the Hartford is hiring for this special team, as well as its wholesaling team. Printed from: Copyright 2007, InvestmentWires, Inc. All Rights Reserved |