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Tuesday, May 9, 2006 Mutual Funds Big on SEC Forum Agenda SEC chairman Christopher Cox has singled out mutual funds as the focus of next month's scheduled SEC roundtable on using interactive data to improve disclosure. Last March, the Commission invited interested parties to its Washington, D.C. headquarters for a June 12 forum on harnessing interactive data technology to provide better information to securities analysts and investors. On Monday, Cox issued a press release announcing that issues as they relate to mutual funds will receive "a special emphasis" at the meeting. The roundtable has been called in order to review results for the first year of a pilot program in which interactive data was used in about a dozen companies' filings with the SEC. Interactive data on the SEC site is designed so that visitors can search filings more easily, retrieving specific items of information such as a fund's net income or expenses. Cox said the June roundtable will encompass consultations with fund professionals as well as technology experts and actual investors. Panelists and program details have yet to be announced. Printed from: Copyright 2006, InvestmentWires, Inc. All Rights Reserved |