MFS Sales Exec to Head Institutional Biz
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an InvestmentWires' Publication
Thursday, September 15, 2005

MFS Sales Exec to Head Institutional Biz

One of the top executives at MFS is taking on responsibility for the fund firm's institutional business after a stint exclusively heading retail distribution. Martin Beaulieu, director of global distribution at MFS, will also take the helm of MFS Retirement Services (RSI).

Beaulieu replaced Carol Geremia, who will now exclusively focused on heading MFS Institutional Advisors. Geremia was president of MFS RSI and MFS Institutional Advisors for the past year.

Beaulieu originally joined MFS RSI in 1993 and became president of the group. Beaulieu was then named president of MFS Distributors, going on to become director of global distribution. He is also a member of the company's management committee.

The management changes were announced in tandem with changes the fund firm is making to its 401(k) recordkeeping platform.

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